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Signup Confirmation Rate — TikTok SQL Questions
Solving SQL Question asked by TikTok
3 min readOct 5, 2022
- In this article we will solve SignUp confirmation rate question which is asked by TikTok as per DataLemur website.
If you don’t know DatLemur then please do visit , it’s one of the best website to practice SQL questions and improve your SQL skills.
- As per the question, we have been given emails table and texts table.
- Email table mainly provides info about user signup details and texts table provides text confirmation about the email_id of the user.
Here is the table info
- Our goal is to write SQL query that returns the confirmation rate of the users.
- Confirmation rate is defined as number of users who confirmed their email / number of users who signup for the service.
- Here is the output
- We need to first count all the distinct email_id’s in the emails table , then we need to count how many confirmation action type in texts table.
- If we somehow can get these two aggregation, then we can just divide them to get confirmation rate as output.
- But at first lets left join texts table to emails table